Saving Napa Valley from Plaster!!

by Nick Harmon

David Clark of DC2 Drywall sold 45K sq/ft of Fresco Harmony on a custom home recently and we were curious how he did it? If you’re wondering how much product that is, it’s around 300 Color Packs, and 75 gallons of Clear coat. On a project like this your material cost, including mud would be around $11,625.00. However, your return on that investment would be in the $200K range. You’d also be crushing the lowest plaster bid by 300K. Your profit margin on that project would be north of 150K and you’d be saving your clients money.

This sale didn’t happen over night. David discovered Fresco Harmony on one of the many drywall groups we frequent on Facebook. His builder was looking for a cost effective alternative to plaster and Dave remembered seeing Fresco Harmony on Drywallers Worldwide. He reached out to us for a free sample pack (email DC2 Drywall was poised to hang and finish the walls to a level 4 in preparation for the plaster until Dave pitched to the builder the idea of using Fresco Harmony. Dave requested a Maryanne Mocha sample pack and went to work making a few different samples to show the builder. He presented the sample to the builder and the home owner and they both loved it.

Dave followed a familiar system we’ve been documenting and implementing for quite some time. It’s not enough to have a cost effective and efficient wall coating system. It’s also important to be able to sell that system efficiently too. Dave’s success is our success. We’re committed to helping our clients help their clients and Dave has proven that system works.

After showing the Maryanne Mocha samples to the client they were eager to have Dave make a variety of custom colors based on their home design. Dave purchased 4 different custom colors from our custom color page on the website and went to work making samples to show CRC Builders and the home owner. Fresco Harmony makes purchasing custom colors easy for this exact purpose. They chose “Dave’s Divine White” which is now available on our custom color page for purchase. The rest is history.

Custom Samples from Fresco Harmony

Dave’s price came in at 1/4th the price of the plaster bid and they no longer had to finish the walls to a level 4. They’re saving time on the finish and quadrupling their profit margin on the project. The builder found a solution to his overpriced plaster and the home owner gets to have a beautiful walls. If you’re ready to double your profit on your next project Fresco Harmony may be the product for you! email us at info@frescoharmony to request your free sample pack today.

Drywall Contractor DC2 Drywall

Builder: CRC Builders

Project cost: 16,000,000

Square Feet of Fresco Harmony: 40K – 45K

Color: “David’s Divine White” custom color


  1. Mike mendoza says:

    I would like a sample pack of your fresco harmony.

  2. Dave Burgess says:

    Could I have a sample pack please

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